Yaroslav Zherebukh
Yaroslav Zherebukh
Interview with young grandmaster Yaroslav Zherebukh
13.03.2010 18:14

Interview from Grandmaster`s Club

Please tell us about the tournament. Were there any memorable or unexpected moments?

I was 50th player in a starting list. Before the tournament I thought that +4 might be a good result. Without any problems won the first two games but lost in the third round to a rival from Lvov Yuri Vovk, the previous winner of Cappelle-la-Grande. I have lost in 25 moves, that means opening play must be corrected. Then with adventures I won two Dutchmen, who, in general, played stronger than expected.

In the penultimate round, I had to play white with Mikhail Gurevich. It was almost obvious that the French will appear. I had to spend a lot of time to prepare and watch all the variants that are playing my opponent for his long career. During the game I somehow confuse the opponent, first in a simple tactics, and then realize the advantage of queen against rook and bishop. It was nice to win, but, of course, there are boundless oceans of deficiencies that must by eliminated.


How do you manage to combine participation in tournaments with studies?

The better I play chess, the worse I study at school and vice versa. Most of the courses I can catch up after passes, but, for example, with mathematics to do this quite tight.

Is there any preference on your future specialty?

No, haven`t yet determined. Although in Ukraine is better to be a chess professional, than go to work.

Were the people who supported you during the tournament?

My father supported me (he was with me at the tournament) and my mother called every day.

How were you preparing for the tournament in France as you managed to reach such good shape?

Worked on opening stage, solved different exercises - in general, nothing special. I was in good physical shape required for 3-4 hours of play.

What are your favorite chess books?

"My great predecessors" by Garry Kasparov is out of competition. I like also very good books of Mark Dvoretsky, always read with pleasure. My favorite fiction books are Karkaterra`s "Gangster", A.Peres-Reverte "Flemish board", J. Hasek "Good Soldier Svejk", Wells' "Time Machine", "The Island of Dr. Moreau", London`s "Martin Eden" and others ...

Is there a person which had the biggest impact on you?

Yes, of course. A very big influence on me has my coach Grabinsky Vladimir, who has brought me to the first class to international grandmaster. He taught me to play a creative, sharp, with imagination, for which I am very grateful to him.

On future plans in general.

Finish school; go to university, to improve in chess.

Which countries you have visited? What they remembered.

Montenegro and Croatia is a lovely resort and the Adriatic Sea. France memorable sights of Paris, until recently I lived a week in a French family in Toulouse, is also an unforgettable introduction to French culture. Germany remembered by the beauty and rebirth of Dresden, Dusseldorf, factories and beer with canned sausages:) Canada is remembered for a long flight across the ocean, the lack of architecture and the feeling that I was on another planet, so large cultural differences. But nevertheless, I really liked Canada and its people. Belgium - guided tour of Brussels and a lot of chocolate shops, etc.

How do you predict the result of the match Anand-Topalov?

I think Anand will defend his title.

What is your favorite sport?

Sometimes I play football, but I`m not a fan for the specific team. I love to play pool, watch basketball, boxing, tennis. Supporting the physical shape by running at the stadium (unfortunately, not always regular) and morning exercises.

When did you start to play chess. What was your first coaches?

I started at seven, Grabinsky Vladimir and Adrian Mihalchyshyn where my coaches. 

How do you prefer to spend free time during tournaments?

Relax, read books, walk.

Please tell us about the village of Cappelle.

Organisers were very good, ordered a transfer by bus from Paris to Cappelle and back. There were no failures; everything was at a high level. Capelle is rather a small town, I liked the daily walks to the sea and "Masquerade" when people painted themselves and dressed in very bright and original costumes.

Thank you for your detailed answers to questions. Wish you conquering further sporting heights.

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