Yaroslav Zherebukh
Yaroslav Zherebukh
«World’s Youth Stars»
24.05.2010 13:46

   Hi everybody! I just came back from the "Young World Starts" tournament in the town of Kirishi in Leningrad Region of Russia. I want to tell you about my impressions from a tournament and show some interesting fragments from my games.

     This tournament memorizing Vania Somov is traditional. This year it was held for the 8 th time. In 2008 I tied first place with Alexander Shimanov, but was second by coefficient. Apparently this time I was determined to improve my result and approached the tournament seriously. The starting list was much stronger than 2 years ago: 5 international grandmasters, 3 international masters, 2 FIDE masters – there was set norm of international granmaster in the tournament.

     Traditionally nice organization inspired good play. I noticed it long ago- the better are conditions- the higher is quality of play! Nice hotel, beautiful playing hall, good starting fee- and all you worry about is only creativity!

    Opening ceremony took place on the Victory Day's eve and was quite unusual. Peter I with his wife ordered to Menshikov "chess tournament to organize and young oversees masters to call". They show video story about each participant. After that we enjoyed folk songs and dances of each country. Gennadiy Nesis made a warm speech and gave the floor to the chief arbiter of the tournament, naval officer, member of the World War II, Yakov Zinder, who drew lots for the tournament. After the opening ceremony there fell down ribbons and beads onto the participants. It's quite symbolic, that the first round which was played on the Victory Day presented only resultative games (no draws). Smile

     All the participants has possibility to play football on the mornings and swim in the pool, which many of them use. Team play of football didn't influence very "nonteam" play of chess so all participants struggled to the last bullet. 72% of the games ended up in the victory of one of opponents- if only all tournaments had such statistics chess would really be more spectacular!

    Most players spend their rest day on the excursion on Pete Goff. To tell the trueth I am not a big fan of excursions, but nevertheless, I still got unforgettable impressions from this town of fountains. I was especially impressed by Samson fountain- its height is 21 meters! We had a very interesting time, walking on the palaces where lived russian emperors and empresses, learned and saw how they lived, listened to interesting stories of guides ... In general - not often you can spend the rest days at tournaments so well

     I don't want to bore you describing the tournament race, in sport figures are more eloquent than words! Two rounds before the finish I had 8 out of 9, but despite 2 illogical losses I still was lucky to finish the tournament logically  Cool



Zherebukh, Yaroslav


















Sethuraman, S.P


















Lintchevski, Daniil


















Ter-Sahakyan, Samvel


















Belous, Vladimir


















Bernadskiy, Vitaliy


















Bajarani, Ulvi


















Shimanov, Aleksandr


















Bukavshin, Ivan


















Kashlinskaya, Alina


















Oparin, Grigoriy


















Ganichev, Alexander






















  Many thanks to Sergey Bystrov for the photos. Who wants to see more of his pictures, read reports from the tournament I recommend to visit his site. For the dessert I would like to offer you my creative achievements in the games against the second and the thirds prize winners, and also against the only girl in our men's company.

Zherebukh Yaroslav (2567) - Sethuraman, S.P (2493) 

Zherebukh Yaroslav (2567) - Belous Vladimir (2471)

Zherebukh Yaroslav (2567) -  Kashlinskaya Alina (2346)

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