Myroslava Hrabinska (Yakivchyk)
Myroslava Hrabinska (Yakivchyk)
Memorable moments
21.12.2009 23:52
My game with Chinese young talent Wang Hao on the beautiful island Corsica. My opponent unlikely to his landsmam Wang Yue, who played in the same tournament, didn’t use an ointment with pungent smell, so I have no excuse for my defeat :)With English grandmaster Luke McShane. I was lucky to make draw in 960 chess in Mainz 2004.For a woman grandmaster win over male grandmaster – is a serious luck. Tournament in Chess 960 in Mainz 2004 was my biggest success in this meaning: in same open tournament I managed to win against following grandmasters Potkin, Kritz, Baklan, Landa. On the photo I play with Konstantin Landa.In June of 2009 together with my husband we decided to combine rest with playing chess and participated in open tournament on the island of Ikaria, Greece. The name of the island originates from a legend about Icarus, who tried to fly be means of wings fabricated by Deadalus. He flight too high and sun softened the wax which held the feathers together and they came off. The land near which he fell into the sea was named Ikaria. During the tournament it was really hot there, so it started at 8pm. As a matter of fact local people got used to live in peculiar night routine. In Ikaria I met on the board with trainer of National Ukrainian team Vladimir Tukmakov.Against Vlastimil Hort. Better than any words this gentleman is characterized by his own answer to a question what he likes most in chess: "Fight. Chess players to some extend are similar to the roman gladiators:They fight each with other, win or are defeated, but still remain good friends."Simply me and 8th World Champion Boris Spassky.Last round game in Dubai open 2010 against Harika Dronavalli.Being far in Emirates, we really wanted to support Ukrainins who are freezed, but do not give up on Maidan in Kyiv. We asked Kasparov to particpiate and he agreed. He told us, that his video-greeting to Maidan was shooted on Christmas EveI could never imagine that my home city would host the world chess championship match, but after Mariya Muzychuck won the Woman Crown this became oneinalifetime reality. I was pleased to participate in the event as interpreter on press-conference. Though I studied applied linguistics, I chose profession of chess coach, so this was my first experience of interpreting. For me it was amazing combination of my education and my favorite sport.
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