Mykhaylo Oleksiyenko
Mykhaylo Oleksiyenko
06.08.2010 00:19

I came to Madrid from Katowice with 6-hour delay. It is a good thing that my friends live not far from the airport and where able to meet me even at 1 a.m. I spent in Madrid 1 day and the next morning I had a bus to Pamplona. That’s why I was not able to see much. It’s a pity that I cannot tell you what exactly is on my photos because my friends, who know what it is, are not available now. Though on some photos it is quite clear what it is Smile



I was carrying my camera only during the day. Then I had a lot of regrets about that. My friends prepared a surprise for me for the evening and till the last moment I didn’t know where we were going. It turned out that we were heading towards the restaurant which is located inside the legendary stadium Santiago Bernabeu! When the football season is over they open this restaurant and you can drink something while sitting almost exactly over the goal of this five-star stadium which can contain over 80000 viewers!

The next day I took a bus to Pamplona. When I saw Morozevich in the restaurant of Iruna Park Hotel I understood that my open tournament is held exactly where the strong round-robin tournament with Morozevich, Fressine, Fedorchuk, Wojtaszek, Kurnosov, Zvjaginsev, etc. is held.

Now I will tell a few words about my tournament. In the first round I had a +. In the second round I barely made a draw with chessplayer whose ELO is 2163.

But after victories in 3, 4 and 6th rounds against Do Santos,J. ELO 2122, Alvarez Pedraza, ELO 2496, Mullon, ELO 2442 and one draw in the 5th against Nanu (2515) I reached the first table and played with Bruzon (2653). The game was in the morning because we had 2 games that day. I was feeling rather badly so I proposed a draw after the opening and my opponent agreed. The next game was against the leader - Almeida (2559). After the opening I proposed a draw for the second time that day and my opponent agreed at once. These games took me not more than 2 hours. On the other hand I had a lot of time to rest and to prepare for the last game. My opponent was Vladimir Epishin (2598). What can I say about this game? I guess I didn’t win it – my opponent lost it to me. I just took everything that he was giving up. At one point I was 4(!) pawns up! In a few moves Epishin stopped the clock, signed the sheet, didn’t shake my hand and left. Later he looked at me with so much hate in his eyes a few times and then didn’t come to the closing ceremony where he was supposed to take some prize. No comment.

On my way back home I had some time to spend in Barcelona. I will remember this city because of its high and «strange looking» buildings.

Now I am going to end my story. The only thing that I want to add is that I liked Spain (I was there 8 years ago but it was too long ago) and I will definitely come here again!

117 participants, Swiss system, 9 rounds.

Results: 1-3. L. Bruzon (Cuba), M.Oleksienko (Ukraine), O.Almeida (Cuba) – 7 points; 4-11. A. Delchev, N.Ninov (Bulgaria), R. Vazquez (Spain), M.Pavlovic (Serbia), R.Vera (Cuba), P.Konguvel (India), A.Shchekachev (France), J.Cori (Peru) – 6.5 points.

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