Vladimir Grabinsky
Vladimir Grabinsky
Interview with lllya Nyzhnyk
27.05.2010 00:31

What do you remember from your first tournament? Which memories are most vivid?

I started to play chess in 2001. Almost all tournament of these years are forgotten.  What I clearly remember is the tournament in Kamianets-Podolsk, where I played my first official game with grandmaster, although it was just a blitz game. My opponent was Spartak Vysochin.

How would you estimate the limit of your achievements and how fast can you reach it?

 I am often asked when I am going to become a world champion. Normally I answer in 5-6 years Smile.

Which you are outside of chess? How do you spend your free time and what is your hobby?

 At the moment my main hobby is physical-mathematical gymnasium N17. Only one week is left before the end of this school year, so I have no time left fir anything else than study, even for chess. Generally I like to play football with friends, ride bike. When I am at home I go for a walk with my dog 2 times a day and always try to find some time for reading. Recently started Tolkien. I thought after the movies book won't be as good, but reading tuned up to be more interesting than watching.


awaiting for my flight

Do you feel support from our chess federation? If you had chance to have open account for your preparation, how would you use finances first of all?

Vinnitsa sport school № 6 pays for my participation in Ukrainian and international championships, for what many thanks to its manager and my coach Nikolay Bodnar. Several times Ukrainian Chess Federation provided significant assistance. Especially I want to say thank you to Oleg Tovchyga. In the last and one before last years I got good support from Kiev chess federation and its president Pavel Kuftyriov personally. There many people around who help me to some extend, for what I am very grateful. But money is never enough, I would need it more for high quality chess preparation.

No doubt, your best game is still to come, but from the played games which one did you enjoy the most?

I can be satisfied by the result but not the quality of play. I don't have any "masterpieces". Rather I can speak about some interesting game situations. For example, something like this recently happened on Ukrainian Championship under 20 in my game with Alexey Yurkov. In some moment I started thinking, that its high time to try to think how to win...

(см. yurkov.pgn)

What do you remember most out of your travels? Which country provided most impressions for you and in which way?

Each trip- is a small adventure. For example, in Benidorm we lived in the highest hotel of the city at one of highest floors. I was even scared to approach the windows. Or let's say my trip to Groningen in December, when there were heavy snowfalls over all Europe. It deserves a special story. I will only say that I arrived for the first round exactly from the train, and came just in time. I liked all the countries which I visited. Each one is good in its own way. Iceland seemed to me unusual and like nothing on earth. It's nice in Holland. It's comfortable in Germany. It's interesting in Spain. And people are nice everywhere.


 Hello from Groningen

For whom did you root, Anand or Kramnik? Why? How can you comment the match itself and what instructive did you find in it?

 I like the play of them both. But I believed match had to be won by Anand. That's how it happened. Although if Topalov would win I won't be sad. It's great that they play! I have what to study from their play.

What is most attractive in chess for you? Why do you love it?

I don't love chess for something. I just love to play it.


If you are afraid of tigers - you won't become a grandmaster (Benidorm, Spain).

If you were offered to gain any trait (ability) from any player by some magics, what would you like to borrow for your own improvement?

I'm afraid that only one trait and only one player would be not enough Wink.

p.s Please visit personal website of Illya Nyzhnyk

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